
Trending Vìdeo Now

Trending Vîdeo Now

Zambian youths, particularly girls, are trending in the wrong direction by releasing n_dê vîdeøs of thêmselves. As a nation, we need to take this issue seriously and guìde our chîldren on what is rîght and wrøng. If we don’t, we rîsk losing the future of our chîldren and the natiøn due to the bãd influence of our own kîds.

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The Tonga people have a saying that goes, “Mubondo upetwa kauli mutete muyumu ulatyoka,” which translates to, “You can only control your chîld’s behãvior when they are still young, once they grow up, they cannot be controlled.”CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Slim Brown

Am a blogger, Music promoter from Zambia with the aim of taking African music world wide ‼️ Feel Free to contact us on +260979654030 , Slim Brown Smart Zambia aka The Zambian Brown Ceo of
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