Noelo Kamelo said, “2014 T-Sean introduced me on the stage in Monze”

Noelo Kamelo said, “2014 T-Sean introduced me on the stage in Monze”
Some people will never support you, until they see curtain people support you. 2014 T-Sean Baila came to preform @ Nzango Gardens Monze, I asked the organisers if I could open the stage, but they refused. Baila told me, ” Don’t worry, I’ll personally introduce you on stage myself”
Boom! He introduced me on stage and after I performed, the same group of people who had refused me to perform were telling me how they liked my music and how I knew Tsean😅I pray that may God surround you with people who believe and support you genuinely. I’ve seen so much fake smiles and fake promises along the way, but realized one thing, You always have to believe in yourself, the right people will tag along 📌
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