Renowned Zambian musician Wesley Chibambo, popularly known as Dandy Crazy, tragically passed away due to injuries sustained in a road traffic accident. The incident occurred on New Year’s Eve along the Great North Road between Kabwe and Kapiri.
Four people lost their lives at the scene, while Chibambo was rushed to the University Teaching Hospital with critical injuries. Despite undergoing emergency surgery, his condition remained critical, and he was pronounced dead at 01:42 hours this morning.
Nzeba Chanda, Public Relations Officer at UTH Adult Hospital, expressed condolences to the family and the public, saying, “We wish to pass our sincere condolences as they mourn their loved one.”
Dandy Crazy was celebrated for his unique music style and contributions to Zambia’s entertainment industry. His hit song, “Don’t Kubeba,” became an anthem during the 2011 general elections. Born and raised on the Copperbelt province, he received numerous awards for his cultural preservation through music.