
Who’s Slim Brown Smart Zambia?


Who is Slim Brown? Slim Brown is born Wellington Moonga, CEO Zed Tonga Music Platforms, hailing from Mazabuka District of Southern Province of Zambia.A brief background of myself to where I am today.My mom passed away when I was very young.Tragically my elder bother, my mom & my young sister passed😭😭 away in the same year.After this tragedy I moved to live in with my grand parents who brought me up, supported me through ABC.Unfortunately in the process my grandparents stopped working while I was still in school and this really became a burden on my course because now it meant quitting school, I really went through a lot to find school fees until one school head teacher told me to start running some errands during the holidays in order for me to stay in school.I thank God because regardless of these hardships I completed my secondary education though I didn’t find resources to further my academic into College or University.My father never helped me with a dimme, and for clarity sake, I came to know him in 2016.I just want to thank everyone who has helped me to reach this far and going.All in all God is always by my side.

Mr-p Nation Writes

Slim Brown Smart Zambia. The guy is smart and yes we don’t agree in a lot of things but in one way or the other he has changed the circle of music promotion in Southern province.Through him we were able to blow the current hit waves.

Nothing Good Comes Easy

Zed Tonga Music Promoter

Slim Brown

Am a blogger, Music promoter from Zambia with the aim of taking African music world wide ‼️ Feel Free to contact us on +260979654030 , Slim Brown Smart Zambia aka The Zambian Brown Ceo of
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